Basic Puppy Training: Your Puppy’s First Month

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This guide or resource provides information and guidance on essential training techniques and activities during the initial month of owning a puppy. This training typically occurs when the puppy is around 8-12 weeks old, and it aims to establish a solid foundation for their future development and behavior. The goal is to help new puppy owners navigate the early stages of training and create a positive and structured environment for their furry companion’s growth and learning.


Are you a new puppy owner? Congratulations on the new addition to your family! According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), around 36.5% of households in the United States own dogs. Owning a puppy can be an exciting experience, but it comes with great responsibility. It is essential to start training your puppy from the first day you bring them home. In this blog post, we will be discussing basic puppy training tips for your puppy’s first month at home. By following these tips, you can lay a solid foundation for a well-behaved and happy puppy.

Your Puppy’s First Month

The first month of your puppy is the most important in giving your puppy some form of basic puppy training.

During these first few weeks, your pup’s mind is most open to new experiences and can easily develop/establish new habits, behavior, and character.

Puppies start to use their senses to learn new things the moment they open their eyes. Therefore, a proper program of exercise, discipline, and affection should be readily prepared for your puppy the moment you bring it home.

Basic Puppy Training Preparation

A complete check-up at the vet is necessary so that any possible health problems won’t interfere with any future training.

Discuss with your vet your puppy’s vaccination schedule. Do not bring your puppy outdoors for any training or activities until your puppy is fully vaccinated. Young puppies are vulnerable to many canine infections and therefore any diseases or health problems may make training difficult or even impossible for your puppy during the first month.

The First Few Days: Settling In and Getting to Know Your Puppy

The first few days of bringing home a new puppy can be overwhelming for both the puppy and the owner. It’s essential to establish a routine for your new furry friend to help them adjust to their new environment quickly. Start by setting up a comfortable space for your puppy to rest and sleep, providing them with plenty of water, and introducing them to their new feeding schedule.

During the first few days, it’s also crucial to spend quality time with your new puppy to get to know them better. This is the time to bond with your puppy, establish trust, and start building a strong relationship. Be patient and gentle, and make sure to shower your puppy with love and affection.

Basic Puppy Training Tips #1

Basic Equipment For Puppy Training

  • An adjustable collar and preferably a three-in-one training leash.
  • One food and water bowl each – stainless steel is preferred for hygienic and dura liability purposes.
  • Toys – to be used as useful motivators.

Next, all family members should participate in puppy training. Rules and responsibilities should be set up and agreed upon, e.g. when to play, what to feed, and who to clean up. It is also important to know that anyone giving in to the puppy’s vulnerability or too much love will spoil the puppy and will make future training attempts difficult. It’s important to remember that retraining bad habits can take a lot of time and effort, which can be discouraging and frustrating.

That is why everybody should be committed and consistent in the daily training program and no exceptions should be made even if you have friends or guests around. From this point of view, your puppy will start to identify and recognize authority and obey simple commands, developing desirable habits and behavior.

How to Start Your Puppy Basic Training

House training activities may take a month or less to make sure the routine is followed.

Naming the toilet, eating, and sleeping areas are important in the training process of a puppy. During your puppy’s first month at home, it’s important to keep certain areas consistent. This helps your puppy become familiar with their environment and establish good habits early on.

clear schedule of walking your puppy outside, playing, feeding, and training time should also be clearly established.

Food and water should be particularly supervised as too much of either one would result in your puppy’s inability to “hold” and you would find unpleasant minor “accidents” at home.

A leash and collar are a good idea to use on your puppy during periods when nobody is at home so as to prevent any accidents that might result from your puppy’s curious exploration around the house.

Supervised puppy training and allows for early socialization with humans and other species. Do not confine your puppy often in confined areas as it can easily develop into behavioral issues such as barking, aggression, separation anxiety, excessive fear, and general unruliness.

Puppies learn very quickly with proper encouragement and correction techniques, especially during the first few months. Give immediate rewards when your puppy performs the correct behavior or action with food treats or gentle stroking.

Basic Puppy Training Tips #2

How can I train my puppy to recognize its name?

Whenever you want your puppy to come to you, crouch down in front of your puppy, open up both your arms wide, and call out its name. Give immediate rewards such as stroking or “Good boy/girl.”

Repeat this every time to help your puppy associate its name with positive feelings and your pup will come to recognize its name.

Avoid giving in to your puppy’s every desire. Rewards should only be given for desired or correct behavior, and not because he or she gives you the cute look.

The training and educating process about what is right and wrong shouldn’t be too harsh and severe either. Observing your puppy’s behavior will prevent any common mistakes of punishing your puppy with no clear reasons.

Never use harsh reprimands or physical violence on your puppy. Any aggression against your puppy might lead to the future development of aggressive behaviors in your dog. Determination, discipline, and patience are usually all that is needed to correct any bad habits.

The other concerns of the first month of basic puppy training are the bonding and time spent together with your puppy. Hug, touch, stroke, and talk to your puppy often. This will help establish you as the alpha leader and develop trust with your puppy during the puppy training process.

Modify your puppy’s training methods as and when necessary, but remember to always keep it enjoyable, short, and fun. In the end, the most essential ingredients for any successful basic puppy training are still patience, attention, and love.

Advanced Training: Beyond the Basics

Once your puppy has mastered the basics of training, it’s time to move on to more advanced training techniques. This includes training your puppy to walk on a leash, mastering obedience commands, and socialization training. Leash training is crucial for teaching your puppy to walk politely beside you without pulling or jumping. Obedience training helps your puppy to learn commands like sit, stay, come, and heel, which is essential for keeping your puppy safe and well-behaved.

Socialization training is also critical for your puppy’s well-being. It involves introducing your puppy to new people, animals, and experiences to help them develop good behavior and communication skills. This training helps your puppy to become well-adjusted and comfortable in different environments, making them more confident and less anxious.

Troubleshooting: Common Puppy Training Problems

Puppy training is not always smooth sailing. You may encounter common puppy training problems like biting, chewing, barking, and housebreaking accidents. But don’t worry; with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can overcome these issues. Seek advice from professional trainers or dog behaviorists if necessary.

10 Tips for basic puppy training during your puppy’s first month.

  1. Establish a Routine: Set consistent daily schedules for meals, potty breaks, playtime, and sleep to provide structure and help your puppy learn what is expected of them.
  2. Socialize Early: Introduce your puppy to various people, animals, and environments to build their confidence and prevent future behavior problems. Start with controlled and positive experiences.
  3. Begin Potty Training: Start teaching your puppy where to eliminate by taking them outside frequently, using a consistent command, and rewarding them for going to the appropriate spot.
  4. Crate Training: Introduce your puppy to a crate as a safe and comfortable space, using positive associations and gradual acclimation to promote relaxation and prevent destructive behaviors.
  5. Encourage Bite Inhibition: Teach your puppy to have a soft mouth by gently redirecting their biting onto appropriate toys and rewarding them for gentler play.
  6. Introduce Basic Commands: Begin teaching foundational commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” using positive reinforcement, short training sessions, and rewards to establish good behavior.
  7. Handling Exercises: Get your puppy used to being touched and handled, including grooming, nail trimming, and examining their ears and mouth, to ensure they become comfortable with the necessary care.
  8. Enforce Consistent Boundaries: Establish clear rules from the beginning, such as not allowing your puppy on furniture or jumping on people, to prevent unwanted behaviors as they grow.
  9. Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward desired behaviors with treats, praise, and playtime, creating a positive association and motivating your puppy to repeat those behaviors.
  10. Be Patient and Consistent: Training takes time and repetition. Stay patient, remain consistent with your expectations, and remember that positive reinforcement and love are key to a successful training journey with your puppy.


When should I start teaching my puppy basic commands?

  • Start teaching basic commands like sit, stay, and come as early as 8-12 weeks old, when puppies are most receptive to learning and forming good habits.

What should I start training my puppy for the first time?

  • Begin with foundational behaviors like crate training, potty training, and socialization. These provide a solid basis for further training and proper behavior development.

How to do basic training with a puppy?

  • Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to teach basic commands, proper leash walking, and addressing behaviors like biting or jumping.

How to train a puppy to pee outside?

  • Establish a consistent schedule, take them outside, frequently, reward them for eliminating in the appropriate spot, and use verbal cues like “go potty” to associate the behavior.

How to train a puppy to sit and stay?

  • Use treats and consistent hand signals or verbal cues to teach your puppy to sit and gradually increase the duration of stay by rewarding them for holding the position.

What age to teach a puppy to sit?

  • Puppies can start learning to sit as early as 8-12 weeks old. Begin with short training sessions, rewarding their success, and gradually increasing the difficulty.

How do you train a 1-month-old puppy?

  • Focus on gentle handling, socialization with other puppies, and introducing positive experiences. Basic behaviors like following and bonding with humans can also be reinforced.

Puppy training guide week-by-week.

  • A comprehensive guide that outlines the training milestones and techniques for each week, helping you track your puppy’s progress and tailor training to their developmental stage.

Puppy training for beginners.

  • A beginner-friendly resource providing step-by-step instructions, tips, and strategies for training puppies, covering essential topics from housebreaking to basic obedience commands.

Top 4 things to train your puppy.

  • A list of important skills and behaviors to train your puppy, including recall, loose leash walking, leave it, drop it, and more, to ensure a well-behaved and happy companion.


Basic puppy training is an essential part of responsible dog ownership. The first month of your puppy’s life is crucial for building a strong foundation for good behavior and habits. With the right training techniques, patience, and consistency, you can raise a well-behaved and happy furry friend. Remember to be gentle, show love and affection, and enjoy the journey of training your new puppy.

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