25 Essential Dog Commands For Basic Dog Training

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Are you a dog owner looking to train your furry friend? One of the best ways to achieve that is through using dog commands. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of dog commands for basic dog training, offer troubleshooting tips, and share a conclusion to help you get started.

A recent study carried out by the American Pet Products Association indicates that 67% of households in the United States have at least one pet, and dogs are the most commonly preferred choice. However, owning a dog comes with responsibilities, and training your pet is one of the most important ones. We will explore the fundamental dog commands and their significance in helping you train your dog to be a well-mannered and compliant companion.

Benefits of Dog Commands For Basic Dog Training

Dog commands are essential for basic dog training, and there are many benefits to using them. By teaching your dog basic commands, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively with them, making it easier to train them. Your dog will also be able to understand what you expect from them and respond appropriately, making them more obedient and well-behaved.

Basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “heel” are important for controlling your dog’s behavior and keeping them safe in different situations. For example, if you’re out for a walk and see another dog or a squirrel, you can use the “stay” command to prevent your dog from running off or chasing after them.

Another benefit of using dog commands for basic training is that it can strengthen your bond with your pet. When you train your dog, you’re not just teaching them new skills – you’re also spending time with them and building a relationship based on trust and respect.

Dog Commands For Basic Dog Training

Do you want to learn about the crucial dog training commands that can help you bring out the best in your furry friend and teach them desirable behavior and obedience?

Here are ten fundamental dog commands that many expert dog trainers believe a new pup or dog should know to ensure successful behavior and obedience training.

  1. Come – One of the most important dog commands that every new puppy or dog needs to learn. Usually taught together with his/her name, it’s a command that you will use actively to recall your dog back to you if he/she breaks free from the leash or is running around misbehaving.
  2. Sit – This basic command is among the most useful dog obedience commands especially if you want to know how to control and keep your dog in check. When dogs are trained to follow the “Sit” command, they become easier to handle and less likely to engage in unwanted behaviors such as jumping on people, chasing animals, or fighting with other dogs.
  3. Stay – Often used in combination with other dog commands like “sit” or “down,” the command “stay” is useful to keep your dog out of harm’s way should he/she approach something it’s not supposed to or try to cross a busy street. Not the easiest command for dogs, as sometimes their curiosity and animal instinct might take over instead of staying put when told.
  4. Wait – Different from the “Stay” command, which is more often used to keep your dog away from danger, the “Wait” command is more of an obedience command to keep your dog in check, letting them know he/she has to wait for your approval or till your next command. Commonly used on dogs that have a habit of rushing through doors or getting overly excited and aggressive while you are preparing their meal.
  5. Down – Unlike the “Sit” command, the “down” command means your dog goes down on their stomach. This dog command is an essential part of doggy etiquette and helps establish you as the leader in the relationship. It is also a handy behavior command for hyperactive dogs or when there are small children around looking to approach your dog.
  6. Stand – This is a convenient obedience command that tells your dog to stop moving and be still. It’s useful when you are having a veterinarian examine them or when you are bathing and grooming them.
  7. No – Depending on the situation, the “No” command is usually used to discourage or break up undesirable behavior such as chewing, biting, or jumping. This is an important command that you should teach your puppy from the beginning.
  8. Off – The “Off” command is useful to teach your dog to get off that expensive couch or your bed and is also applicable for telling them to stop jumping on you or other people.
  9. Leave It – Dogs are inquisitive animals and sometimes give in to their instincts to explore things that appeal to their senses. The “Leave It” command is perfect to stop dogs that fancy poop-eating or have a fetish chewing habit to chew everything around the house.
  10. Drop It – Teaching your dog the “Drop It” command is crucial for getting them to release anything they have in their mouth, particularly items like your costly leather shoes or unknown substances that could be dangerous. This command is also useful when you start teaching your dog tricks like how to “Fetch”.

Knowing these 10 dog training commands will give you the fundamentals to becoming an effective trainer and having a well-mannered and obedient dog.

Troubleshooting for Dog Commands For Basic Dog Training

While dog commands can be effective, they don’t always work as expected. Here are some troubleshooting tips for common issues you may encounter when training your dog:

  1. Be patient: Some dogs may take longer to learn certain commands than others. It’s important to be patient and consistent with your training and to reward your dog for its progress.
  2. Use positive reinforcement: Dogs respond best to positive reinforcement, so be sure to praise and reward your dog when they obey a command correctly. Treats, toys, and verbal praise are all effective ways to reinforce good behavior.
  3. Be clear and consistent: Use the same command word every time you want your dog to perform a specific action, and be consistent in your training approach. This will help your dog understand what you expect from them and make it easier for them to learn.

25 Essential Dog Commands to Teach Your Dog

  1. Sit: Teach your dog to sit on command, which is a fundamental and useful behavior that promotes obedience and control.
  2. Stay: Training your dog to stay in one place until released helps ensure their safety and prevents them from wandering into dangerous situations.
  3. Lie Down: Teach your dog to lie down on a cue, which promotes relaxation and can be beneficial in situations where you want them to settle down.
  4. Come: Teaching your dog to come when called, is vital for their safety and allows you to maintain control, especially in off-leash environments.
  5. Heel: Train your dog to walk calmly beside you without pulling on the leash, making walks more enjoyable and preventing them from dragging you around.
  6. Leave It: Teaching your dog to ignore or drop items on command helps prevent them from picking up harmful objects or engaging in undesirable behaviors.
  7. Drop It: Teach your dog to release objects from their mouth, promoting safety and preventing them from chewing on things they shouldn’t.
  8. Off: This command instructs your dog to get off of furniture, people, or other surfaces, discouraging, jumping, and respecting boundaries.
  9. Wait: Training your dog to wait before moving forward or entering/exiting doors promotes impulse control and enhances overall obedience.
  10. Stand: Teaching your dog to stand on command is useful for grooming, vet examinations, and other situations where they need to remain upright.
  11. Speak/Quiet: Teaching your dog to bark or be quiet on cue allows you to control excessive barking and maintain a peaceful environment.
  12. Settle: Train your dog to calm down and relax on command, helping them to remain calm in various situations and reducing anxiety.
  13. Go to Bed: Teach your dog to go to a designated spot or bed, providing them with a comfortable and familiar place to rest.
  14. Paw/Shake Hands: Teaching your dog to offer its paw for a handshake is a fun trick that enhances bonding and socialization.
  15. Target: Train your dog to touch its nose or paw to a specific object, which can be used for various tasks like closing doors or turning off lights.
  16. Drop on Recall: This command teaches your dog to drop whatever they are holding when called, useful for situations where they may have something dangerous.
  17. Look at Me: Teach your dog to make eye contact with you on command, improving focus and reinforcing their connection with you.
  18. Leave the Room: Train your dog to exit a room or move away from certain areas, helpful for creating boundaries and managing their behavior.
  19. Take It: Teach your dog to pick up an object and hold it in its mouth, which can be useful for retrieving or fetching games.
  20. Find It: Train your dog to search for and find hidden objects or treats, stimulating their natural scenting abilities and providing mental stimulation.
  21. Drop at a Distance: This command teaches your dog to drop an object from a distance, helpful when you want them to let go of something without approaching them.
  22. Back-Up: Teach your dog to move backward on command, which is useful for creating space between them and other people or objects.
  23. Spin/Twirl: Teaching your dog to spin in a circle is a fun trick that adds entertainment value and mental stimulation to their training.
  24. Roll Over: Train your dog to roll onto its back and expose its belly, an impressive trick that showcases its obedience and flexibility.
  25. High Five: Teach your dog to give you a high five, a cute and interactive trick that strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.


What are the 7 main dog commands?

  • The 7 main dog commands are Sit, Stay, Lie Down, Come, Leave It, Drop It, and No/Jump Off.

Which dog commands to teach first?

  • It is recommended to start with basic commands like Sit, Stay, and Come before moving on to more advanced commands.

How do I teach my dog basic training?

  • To teach your dog basic training, use positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewards and praise, and break the training into short, consistent sessions.

What are the basic dog commands for puppies?

  • Basic dog commands for puppies include Sit, Stay, Lie Down, Come, Leave It, Drop It, and No/Jump Off.

What are the easiest dog commands?

  • The easiest dog commands for most dogs are Sit and Stay, as they are simple to teach and can be reinforced easily.

How to train an older dog for basic commands?

  • When training an older dog, basic commands, use patient and consistent methods, gradually introduce commands, and reinforce positive behavior.


Dog commands are an essential part of basic dog training, offering many benefits for both you and your pet. By using clear, consistent commands and positive reinforcement, you can train your dog to become a well-behaved and obedient companion. Remember to be patient, and enjoy the process of building a stronger bond with your dog!

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